Facebook comment on website - Also post on Facebook - where is it displayed?

t a question I got via Facebook comment on a blog post on  Facebook comment on website - Also post on Facebook - where is it displayed?

This is a post w.r.t a question I got via Facebook comment on a blog post on "How to add Facebook comments on Blogger site?" in another post (link here). The questions are given below. I won't be able to reply to him with screenshots in a Facebook reply. Hence, this post. And may be it will also be useful as a reference for others too. So, in this post, we will discuss what happens when a Facebook user comments on a website with Facebook comments integrated and where the comment appears when "Also post on Facebook" is selected by the commenter.

The questions are:
Question #1: I could not find any info on where people can see blogger comments (using FB commenting system) outside of the blog. I see the checkbox below "Also Post On Facebook", which is unchecked, but I'd like to know where else the comments are visible.

Question #2: The reason FB is being considered is that we're having a problem with Anonymous and Pseudo-Anonymous trolls and going to a fully identified system might help solve the problem. If there such a system (or tweak) for only permitting fully-identified users to comment on a blog?

Question #1: I could not find any info on where people can see blogger comments (using FB commenting system) outside of the blog. I see the checkbox below "Also Post On Facebook", which is unchecked, but I'd like to know where else the comments are 

As far as I have tested, when Facebook users comment on a website using Facebook comment plugin by checking "Also post to Facebook", the comment as well as the link to the page is shared on the Facebook wall of the Facebook user who commented.

The screenshots below shows the sequence of action and the comment displayed on the Facebook user's wall.
  • So, here I commented on a blog post using Facebook comment and the "Also post on Facebook" is checked.

t a question I got via Facebook comment on a blog post on  Facebook comment on website - Also post on Facebook - where is it displayed?
  • The comment I posted as well as the link (and excerpt from the post) is automatically posted on my Facebook wall.
t a question I got via Facebook comment on a blog post on  Facebook comment on website - Also post on Facebook - where is it displayed?

  • If the admin of the Facebook app is logged in to Facebook (in this case, the I am also admin of the Facebook app used for the Facebook comment),  the admin would see a notification on Facebook that someone commented on the site. 
t a question I got via Facebook comment on a blog post on  Facebook comment on website - Also post on Facebook - where is it displayed?

  • On clicking the notification, the user is taken to the Facebook Comment moderation page. From here, an Admin can moderate the comments, approve, hide, report spam, or ban the user. But cannot delete the comment.
t a question I got via Facebook comment on a blog post on  Facebook comment on website - Also post on Facebook - where is it displayed?

So, if "Also post on Facebook" is selected, the comment gets posted to the Facebook wall of the user who commented. And Admins of the Facebook app (Facebook comment) can see alerts on Facebook and can moderate comments.

Facebook comment moderation can also be done from http://facebook.com/tools/comment/  -basically the same link but at an app level. The previous one was at page level.
Question #2: The reason FB is being considered is that we're having a problem with Anonymous and Pseudo-Anonymous trolls and going to a fully identified system might help solve the problem. If there such a system (or tweak) for only permitting fully-identified users to comment on a blog?

This may be a personal opinion from my point of view but Facebook is pretty better in a way to control spam and trolls as most people who may comment on the blog using Facebook comment would have Facebook accounts. Most users would have genuine account.

But then, some of the commenters may also be Facebook users with fake profiles. There is nothing much we can do about it except take care of them from the Facebook moderation tool by reporting or banning the user if the user is spamming etc. I am not sure how effective is reporting to Facebook or banning user as I have not come across such a need so far. All the commenters on this blog are decent. But depending on the website, spams may be attracted.

I hope that answers the questions.
If there are any thing more to discuss, do let me know in the comments. I will try to answer.

Good Day!

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