How to edit or hide Thank you for creating with WordPress link in WordPress admin pages?

 you might have noticed that there is a link in every admin page  How to edit or hide Thank you for creating with WordPress link in WordPress admin pages?

If you are a WordPress website admin, you might have noticed that there is a link in every admin page - "Thank you for creating with WordPress"  - at the bottom. Now if you have created website using WordPress, it is okay to give a little credit. But this link is visible only to admins and not to visitors. So it is actually useless. In this post, we shall see how to change or edit the "Thank you for creating with WordPress" link in WordPress admin pages.

Most of the time, I prefer using a plugin instead of editing template or core file because there is a lot of work when we need to update WordPress core. If there is a reliable plugin available, I always go for plugin. So for, changing the "Thank you for creating with WordPress", there is also a plugin for that! We'll see the plugin first and then other ways.

Change / Edit "Thank you for creating with WordPress" using a plugin

There are two plugins I have found to be good for changing/editing the "Thank you for creating with WordPress" text in admin page footer.

1) Personal Admin Footer

"This plugin changes the default ‘Thank you for creating with WordPress’ in your footer area to a more personal ‘Thank you for visiting My Site’ on all admin pages except the Network Admin. There is no configuration; simply install and activate." 

  • Upload personal-admin-footer.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  • Done!

After the plugin is installed and activated, the "Thank you for creating with WordPress"  is changed to "Thank you for visiting YourSiteName" with a link to the website.

It's a small plugin, but does the job.

2) WP Admin UI  Customize
Another useful WordPress plugin that can also change the "Thank you for creating with WordPress" link in WordPress admin pages is using  WP Admin UI  Customize Plugin. This plugin is actually a plugin package with many other features. It is a must have if admins need the following features -

  • Hide feed links category feeds
  • Hide WordPress Core update notifications
  • Hide Plugin update notifications
  • Hide Theme update notifications
  • Hide Screen Options
  • Hide Help
  • Hide footer text "Thank you for creating with WordPress"
  • Hide widget boxes from dashboard (At a glance, Activity, Quick Draft, WordPress Events and News)
  • Edit left menu and right menu items on the admin bar
  • Edit admin sidebar menus
  • Edit meta boxes on post and pages (Categories, tags, featured images, discussion, custom fields, etc.)

It's a many in one plugin. If you also need the features above, I recommend using this plugin instead of using other plugins with single function if this plugin works as your desire.

After installing and activating the plugin, navigate to the WordPress admin sidebar and find WP Admin UI customize. Click on "General" sub-menu and then at "Footer Text", add your own text. There are also shortcodes provided for outputting blog name, blog URL etc.

 you might have noticed that there is a link in every admin page  How to edit or hide Thank you for creating with WordPress link in WordPress admin pages?

Hide "Thank you for creating with WordPress" with code

Since there are plugins available for hiding or changing the "Thank you for creating with WordPress" text, I would not recommend changing or hiding it with code. But if you must, the add the following code in at the end of functions.php.

Go to Appearance > Editor and find "functions.php". Scroll down to the bottom and add the following code after the last line but before ?>
 * remove footer thank you from wordpress
function hid_wordpress_thankyou() {
  echo '<style type="text/css">#wpfooter {display:none;}</style>'; }
add_action('admin_head', 'hid_wordpress_thankyou');

WP Admin UI  Customize - a must have, an all in one plugin for admins to customize WordPress

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