Watermark Photos in Android using Add Watermark App

If you are already here, probably your are looking for an app to watermark your pictures before you share them online. The validity of the advantage of watermarking pictures and it's effectiveness on the internet is a debatable subject, however it is best to. The advantage is that  it may help to let people know the source of the image. It may also help bloggers if they place the URL of their blog or website on the images before sharing online.

Among the various app that I have tried for Android, "Add Watermark App" is a good one and does what it says. It is totally customizable and easy to use.


  • Add Watermark as text or image
  • Change Watermark size
  • Transperancy
  • Rotate
  • Custom destination folder setting
  • Watermark positioning 
  • And more

Download Add Watermark Android App from Google Play.

Let me know what you think about this app.

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