Beginners Guide to Search Engine Optimization

Beginners Guide to Search Engine Optimization Beginners Guide to Search Engine Optimization

Hey, fellow content writers and bloggers! I was thinking that I should write share with you all my expertise on some basic blogging tips. Now, this is the preview of all the content I have to offer, scroll down to see the link to my blog to get more! Now, back on topic. Many of you guys who are new at blogging or site wide content writing, may be seeing a low amount of visitors. 
This happens when people do not realize that they have an option to actually visit you. Basic stuff really. Why don't they realize they have an option to visit your blog? That is because people most likely visit the content on the first or second pages of the search results after making a search for something. And if your posts are not displayed on those pages, then that is where SEO comes in!

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of optimizing the website’s content in such a way that search engines
  • Understand the Niche of your website
  • Understand the Content of your website
  • Finds the content good and ranks it well in the Search Engine Results
When we search something in using the search engines then It displays various web pages according to the Quality of the content, Keyword usage, Authority of a website and Various other strategies.
For beginners to SEO, we have categorized SEO in basic two categories

On – Page Search Engine Optimization

These are the ways in which you can improve your Web Pages so that they can be easily ranked higher in Search Engine. Here are some of the steps for On-Page Optimization
  • Before adding content to your website or blog, always do some Keyword Research. It is the process of researching keywords that have higher search volumes in Search Engines.
  • Write your content focused around the keywords but always keep the content natural.
  • Write Catchy headlines which attract more visitors. Your Headline is your first impression so make it good.
  • The H1 tag should only be used with the title of your blog post or web pages. For any other headings, you must use subheading tags. From H2 to H6.
  • Add Images to your post as visual information is more likely to be remembered, also add title tags and alt tags to your image which let them show up in Image Search.
  • Use interlinking for linking your previous posts, to engage visitors.
  • Use Outbound links, they are the links which are linked to other’s website. Use them whenever necessary.
These are some tips to make your website or blog effectively so that Search Engines will love to Index and Rank Them Higher in Search Results. But sometimes even after writing good content you lack visitors and rank low in Search Engines. There are some other tactics that will help you to your websites Search Engine Optimized, they come under Off-page Optimization
We recommend for you to use services like WebTextTool for playing around with SEO easily. It is a tested and recommended tool designed for all beginners.

Off – Page Optimization

These are the ways which help you to build a reputation of your website or blog online so that it will be ranked well in Search Engines. Here are some ways to do so -
  • Build your online presence by making Profiles on Social Networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Use some marketing tips to increase followers.
  • Share your posts time by time on these social networks and let your friends and family like and share it.
  • Use guest blogging to write content for another blog and ask a link back to your website or blog. These links are known as Backlinks and they are very helpful in ranking your website/blog.
  • Use profile links to get easy backlinks. They are the links you provide while signing up for a forum or website such as “Add URL”, “Add your Website”. 
  • Comment on Forums and Blogs which come under your Niche and leave a link to your website, but always remember that your comment provides value to the user and you are not spamming the blog or forum. It can penalize your website by search engines.
  • If you have written a good content then ask your fellow bloggers with the same Niche to link to your content for an equivalent backlink from your side.
  • Submit your website or blog to blog submitting directories such as From these websites, you will get easy backlinks.
  • Comment on Forums and Blogs which come under your Niche and leave a link to your website, but always remember that your comment is to provide value to the user and ake sure that you do not spam the blog or forum. It can penalize your website by search engines which can lead your blog down the drain.
Always keep in mind that your content provides value to the readers, and you are writing it for your readers and not for Search Engines, but you also won't get visitors before search engines find it, see the relation there? If your content is attractive, you will get automatic backlinks which will also get many people to visit your site both on famous sites, and on social media, so also make sure to aim for that too. 

Follow above tips and write good content to get a higher ranking. Search Engine Optimization takes time so have some patience and do hard work.

Check back later on for more awesome posts and also check out my blog while you're at it!

Author: Himanshu Sharma

Blog: Present Slide -
Editor: Khwaish Arora

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