How to add cookie consent notification and cookie policy page to WordPress website ?

 laws require websites to give EU visitors information about cookies used on website How to add cookie consent notification and cookie policy page to WordPress website ?

European Union (EU) laws require websites to give EU visitors information about cookies used on website. In many cases, these laws also require websites to obtain consent from the visitor.

Cookie consent notification in WordPress website can be easily implemented using plugins. There are many WordPress plugins out there for Cookie Consent notification on WordPress. 

Top WordPress Plugins for Cookie Consent Notification on WordPress websites:

There are several WordPress Plugins for Cookie Consent notification in the WordPress Plugins directory. The following are some common plugins for cookie consent notification which you can try. The final features are almost the same. You may visit the respective plugin details page to compare the detailed features and try any of them.
Cookie Consent

Cookie Notice by dFactory

Cookie Law Info

EU Cookie Law

The process to install these plugins is same as any other WordPress plugins. That is:
  • Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory OR from WordPress dashboard > Plugins > Add New, search for the plugin and click on Install
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  • Browse to the respective plugin option page to configure options.

How to add cookie consent notification to WordPress website without using a plugin?

As mentioned above, there are several plugins available for cookie consent notification for WordPress website. However, if you want to add cookie consent notification on WordPress without using plugins, then you may do so by the following steps.

To save you time and we shall use an existing tool/services for this purpose from silktide, we shall use an online cookie consent code generator to generate a code which can then be added to WordPress to generate the cookie notification prompt.

Cookie Consent Code Generator

  • Go to the link
  • Choose a theme - where the cookie consent notification should appear. There are six options - full width top, full width bottom, pop-up right with dark and light background. Choose any one you desire and click 'Continue'
  • Customize the message and button text displayed if desired.
  • Add a link to your cookie policy page if you have. If not, leave blank to use the default link.
  • Click Continue
  • Copy the code generated as per the settings applied above

Integrating with WordPress:

  • Login to your WordPress dashboard
  • Click on Appearance > Widgets
  • Click on TEXT widget or Custom HTML widget to add
  • Paste the code from the code generator above
  • View your website to check out the cookie notification.
 laws require websites to give EU visitors information about cookies used on website How to add cookie consent notification and cookie policy page to WordPress website ?
If you need to edit the message, you can do so by going to, re-customize and get a new code. You can also edit the message by editing the contents of the HTML/JavaScript gadget you added.

How to add a cookie policy page to WordPress?

If you would like to add a custom cookie policy page on WordPress, you can do so by following steps.

You can write your own cookie policy page by including details of cookies used on your website. Or to save time, you may also use a cookie policy generator and include it in WordPress.

Online Cookie Policy Page Generator

  • Go to :
  • This online cookie policy generator presents a series of questionnaire for you to answer. Select the appropriate information relevant for your website.
  • Based on the inputs, a cookie policy is generated
  • Copy the final output.

  • Login to your WordPress dashboard
  • Click on Pages > Add New from the left sidebar
  • Give a title to the page. E.g. Cookie Policy
  • Paste the output you copied from the online cookie policy generator
  • Check some grammatical and punctuation errors if any
  • Click Publish when done.

Note: If you want the cookie consent notification prompt to link to this cookie policy, go to and include this link in the cookie policy URL field and regenerate the code as described above.


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