How to add a Live Traffic Feed Widget for your Blog or Site

How to Add a live traffic freed widget to your site How to add a Live Traffic Feed Widget for your Blog or Site

Every blogger or website owner wants to know more about the visitors of his site or blog or any web page for that matter. For example, in what regions (countries and states and even cities) they live in, which sites are moving form, which articles are most interesting for them, what browser they use, etc. This can help you figure out how you aim game is going. By that I mean, like if you have a site or a blog aiming towards helping people in India specifically or mainly, then finding out that you are attracting more people in Spain will tell you what you are lacking behind in or at least will make you more aware.

Now, if you use a host like Blogspot, then you are likely to get some basic information which covers the overall information like which countries they come from, the browser they use and the pages that have been visited. But, with the help of this HTML widget, you can see your traffic in real time. So you can adjust your interests with the interests of the average visitor of your Blogspot or website. And you can get all this information easily because of an amazing widget offered by Feedjit.

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Your Live Traffic Feed keeps the 100 most recent visitors. To search for the older users, you should drag the list up with your mouse. If the feed is in the top 30% of your page you can watch it all day and it will continue to show new hits. If it's below the top 30% of your web page, it will stop updating after 3 minutes until you refresh the page.

Take a look below to take a sneak peek at the widget offered-



Now the widget above has been customized by me to coordinate with this blog and to match my needs. If you like it, you can copy the code below
<script type="text/javascript" src=";tft=3&amp;dd=0&amp;wid=&amp;pid=0&amp;proid=0&amp;bc=FFFFFF&amp;tc=000000&amp;brd1=000000&amp;lnk=F88D00&amp;hc=000000&amp;hfc=F88D00&amp;btn=C99700&amp;ww=250&amp;wne=5&amp;srefs=0"></script><noscript><a href="">Live Traffic Stats</a></noscript>
This widget can only be used on sites that allow JavaScript. If your host doesn't, then you can also use this non-js version of the widget which looks something like this based on how you want to customize it-

How to Add a live traffic freed widget to your site How to add a Live Traffic Feed Widget for your Blog or Site

To get this non-js version you can either go to this section of the Feedjit site or you can copy the code below to get the exact same widget for yourself.
<a href=""><img src="" alt="How to Add a live traffic freed widget to your site How to add a Live Traffic Feed Widget for your Blog or Site" border="0" ISMAP /></a>
With this image version for non-javascript sites, it does not update on your site, but you can still click the image widget to get taken to a page where you can see your traffic update in real-time.


Javascript Version
Now if you want to make a few alterations to the Javascript widget's design, then lucky for you, you can! And those changes can be made for the color combinations, the number of visitors visible, the width of the widget and the option to show where visitors come from. If you are not sure how this can be done, then follow these easy steps-

1. Go to After the page has loaded, scroll down a little till you reach the section named 'Personalize your Feedjit'.

2. Now, you can take a look at the preview of the widget given and if you like it, you can jump right to step number - or if you want to customize it, then in the personalization section, you can either select a preset color scheme or from the right side of the column you can choose your own preferred colors.

3. After you've decided on a color scheme, you can decide on the width of the widget. Now, this should be decided according to the space you are going to put it in. 
Just as a fun addition to this tutorial, let me tell you about a great tool provided as a google chrome extension called Page Ruler. This Chrome extension allows you to measure the entire page or selected portions of it in pixels if we ever need measurements. I use it all the time and also recommend it to you guys.
 4. Now, using the next scale, you can decide on how many viewers that visit your site, page or whatever you have to offer are visible on the widget.

5. As you can see, there is also a little option for whether you want to show where people come from or not, but that is completely optional.

6. When you are done with the basic settings, look a bit lower and you can see the words 'Instal my Feedjit on' followed by a drop-down menu, from there, select whether you use Blogger, Wordpress or a different host and click Go.

7. Follow the rest of the steps that Feejit has provided for the option you have chosen. And now you can enjoy 

When you are done with the installation, you can even see the footer of the widget and click on the link Real-time view. It will lead you to a page that gives more details about each and every viewer making this resource even more useful.

How to Add a live traffic freed widget to your site How to add a Live Traffic Feed Widget for your Blog or Site

Non-Js Version
If you want to customize the Non-Js version of this widget, then as you can see it is very easy. As soon as you open the page you can see what you have to do very clearly. You just have to follow step 1 of customizations and then copy the resulted code to wherever you want the code to appear. Now this widget, as I said before, does not update with real time and only when you refresh the page. But you can still watch real-time views by clicking on the link on the widget that says Watch Live.

Well, this was all for this post. I hope you had fun playing around with this tool and are finding it somewhat useful. Check back later for even more posts.

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