How to Link a Blogger Blog with a Custom TLD Domain

How to link a blogger blog with a custom TLD domain How to Link a Blogger Blog with a Custom TLD Domain

Hey guys! I know how there are may of you who might not like this sub-domain or had to take an unattractive one because the one you wanted was unavailable. I know, it happens. And I am also sure that many of you want a custom TLD (Top-Level Domain) for your own blog, one that is attractive and makes your site look more professional. 

And that is exactly why today I am writing a step-by-step tutorial on how you can easily link your blog with a custom domain from whichever Domain Registrar you choose because the steps will remain the same. 

I will show you how you can link your blogger blog with your purchased custom domain and you can use whichever one you want because the overall process is the same.
Read - How to get Free Custom TLD domains!

Tutorial To Link Your Blog To A TLD

Requirements -
  • A purchased domain - I recommend buying a domain through a trustworthy site like GodaddyBigrock (affiliate link), NameCheap, or some other domain registrar.
  • A blogger blog
Steps -

1. Purchase a domain from the domain registrar of your choice. It does not matter which domain registrar you choose to buy from because the process is always generally the same.

2. Log into your blogger account and open your blog's dashboard. From there, go to your Settings and choose Basic Settings.

3. Now, as you can see, there is a section where your blog's domain with the sub-domain is given. Underneath your blog's address, there is a link option '+ Set up a third party URL for your blog'. You need to click on it.

How to link a blogger blog with a custom TLD domain How to Link a Blogger Blog with a Custom TLD Domain

4. The third party domain settings will open. In the blank, you will have to enter the web address of the domain you bought. Remember to add a www. before the address for it to work. Click Save.

How to link a blogger blog with a custom TLD domain How to Link a Blogger Blog with a Custom TLD Domain

5. Now, when you click on Save, you will see an error or notice in red text. Do not worry, nothing has gone wrong, this is just part of the process.  Below the error notice, you will see something like - 'Each CNAME is composed of two parts - Name, Label or Host, and Destination, Target or Points to.' 

The first CNAME is the same for everyone, the Name is "www" and Destination "" The second CNAME is particular to your blog and your Google Account and is, therefore, different for each person.

6. Go to your domain registrar site and try to locate the DNS settings probably in the control panels. There, you need to create two new CNAMEs. You have to enter the information like I told you about in step 5. Save them both. 

7. You might want to wait a while like about an hour or so before you move onto the next step so that the DNS setting can be activated.

8. Now head back to the settings on Blogger and click Save. Congrats! You have finally connected your site to your custom domain.

9. The last crucial step is to click on the Edit button in front of your domain one last time. There will be a tick box asking you whether or not you want to redirect visitors from your site to This is a crucial step because you have to tick yes! If you don't then the entire process will go to waste.

Now you're done! You have completed this entire process perfectly. Wasn't that easy? Now all you have to do is click the View Blog button visible on the top or the sidebar of the screen. I am sure that you are feeling proud. It's alright, go ahead, pat yourself on the back.

I hope you found today's post useful. Check back again because we are planning to post more awesome posts in a while! Stay Tuned!

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