Alternative Adsense Solution for Page-Level Ads on Blogger AMP

How to Put Page Level Ads on Blog Blog is valid AMP

Page Level Ads is one of the opportunities given google adsense to increase the rate of advertising on mobile users..

This ad appears only in mobile mode only. This ad unit is provided by google adsense, and we can put on our blog. 

However, the code will not be installed on blogs or websites that use the accelerate mobile page or blog amp. Why? Of course, because the script page level ads in adsense using a special javascript that can not be valid on the blog amp.
Well, to overcome this, AMP project has provided an alternative. While not as powerful as page-level ads, many bloggers prove that advertising CTR is up a few percent.. 

Here, I will provide how to install page level ads on the blog with AMP validitation. 

1. First, make sure you install the amp-sticky-ad script before </ head> on your theme edit dashboard..
 <script async="async" custom-element="amp-sticky-ad" src=""></script>
2. Second, copy and paste this code in your blogger themes editor panel. Paste the code below just before the closing code </ body> tag.
 <amp-sticky-ad layout='nodisplay'>      <amp-ad data-ad-client='ca-pub-XXXXXXXXX' data-ad-slot='XXXXXXXXX' height='50' type='adsense' width='320'>   </amp-ad>    </amp-sticky-ad>

3. Replace ca-pub-xxxxxxx with your AdSense publisher code. And XXXXXXX with the ad slot code you want. But I strongly advise you to create an ad unit with size only 468x60 because sticky ad this amp will only appear on mobile only..

4. Click SAVE. Then try to open your blog on your smartphone to see if your Adsense Page Level Ads Alternative works or not on the blog with AMP.

That's a simple tutorial on how to put Adsense ads named Sticky Ad AMP, hopefully useful.

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