How to Enable AdSense Auto Ads for Blogger AMP HTML

Official, Google Adsense Releases Auto Ads for AMP HTML

Some Google AdSense publishers who use websites based AMP HTML , previously can not activate AdSense auto ads on their blog, due to make web pages invalid verification AMP page, finally as of June 28, 2018, the publisher AMP can breathe.

Google AdSense officially released a special Auto Ads dashboard for AMP HTML page users. 

Actually before google adsense has released amp-auto-ads in beta version. But it seems not all publishers can feel this feature..

Google Auto Ads AMP work is almost the same as Auto ads for non-AMP. Google will randomly place ads on sections of pages that are considered strategic. So, webmasters do not need to put the manual ad script code into their web pages. 

However, for the AMP page requires a special script called amp-auto-ads. 

Why should I activate AMP auto Ads?

Advantages of amp-auto-ads:

  • Ads automatically appear in strategic places on the website page.
  • No need to manually place the ad code script on the website template

How to Enable and Place Auto Ads Ads on

Please login to your Google AdSense dashboard, then click Auto Ads.

Then on the Auto Ads front page, select Auto Ads For AMP.

Checklist Turn on text & display ad format and  automaticaly get new formats. 

Now,  login and open your Blogger dashboard. Then go to Edit HTML dashboard.

Find </head> and paste the code below just above it.

<script async='async' custom-element="amp-auto-ads"

Then copy the code in the following amp-auto-ads and paste right after the <body> code.

<amp-auto-ads type="adsense"

*Replace yellow with your AdSense Publisher ID.

Click SAVE for the final step of active amp-auto-ads in Blogspot. Auto ads for AMP will start to appear on your pages in about 10-20 minutes. Remember to add all of the pages where you want to use Auto ads.

Keep in mind that amp-auto-ads ad will show automatically and randomly on your web page in mobile view. So in other words, amp-auto-ad will perform optimally if the visitor access your website page via smartphone.

And to see the results report of the performance of amp-auto-ads, I have explained in the article: How to View AMP-AUTO-ADS Report.

Good luck :)

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