How to Remove Close Button in amp-sticky-ad and Get More Ad Click

Remove AMP-sticky-ad Close Butoon for Better Ad Click Rate

WARNING! This Tutorial May Could Make You Break the Google Adsense Ads Policy

After I gave a tutorial on how to install alternative page-level ads on AMP HTML blog using amp-stycky-ad, now I will give tutorial about other adsense ads optimization on AMP HTML blog. 

As we know that one of the most effective ads to increase the CTR of mobile users is to use AMP sticky ad

But the close button on amp-sticky-ad sometimes makes the ad not clicked, because the user prefers to remove the ad by pressing close button.

For that, one way to overcome the problem is remove the close button on the amp-sticky-ad. 

Here I explain tutorial remove the close button on amp-sticky-ad:

1. Make sure you've placed the ad code amp-sticky-ad on your blog, and already appear on your blog. If you are sure you have put it, please go to blogger Themes Editor to start the first step.

2. Put the following css code between amp-custom:
 .amp-sticky-ad-close-button {display:none} 

3. Next, click SAVE button for final process.

But keep in mind, I am not responsible if something happens to your advertising account. Because basically, creating a sticky ad without the button violates the adsense ads policy.

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