Make Carousel AdSense Ad with AMP-CAROUSEL

How To Make Adsense Slot With Style AMP-CAROUSEL

Increasing  AdSense clicks rate on your blog is actually very easy. For example with a choice a good  AdSense slot, choose a successful ad size or use a high CTR blogger template. And there are many other ways that you can explore.

I've experimented, using amp-carousel for my AdSense ad placement. I try to combine the image gallery that I created in the article by putting one ad in it. And it worked quite well. An example below:

Well, for you who want to try this way, I will discuss the tutorial. The trick is very young. You just need to put it where you want it. Can be under the article, above Articles, or manually you install in the middle of the article.

Please note, this way is specific for Blogger with valid AMP only.

Place AdSense Ad with AMP-CAROUSEL combination

The first thing you should do is make sure that Javascript amp-carousel have been placed on your blog. If not, please paste the code below before </ head>.

<script async='async' custom-element="amp-carousel" src=""></script>

Once installed, now we just specify where you want to place your carousel ads. I would recommend placement slots.

Below Article Content

If you want to place your Adsense ads carousel under the article, follow the following lines:

1. Go to EDIT HTML in Themes Dashboard.
2. Please find the code <data: post.body />
3. place the following code below it.
 <center><amp-carousel height="280" type="slides" width="336">
/*Iklan 1 */
<amp-ad data-ad-client="ca-pub-4026188032600094" data-ad-slot="6708704168" height="280" layout="fixed" type="adsense" width="336"></amp-ad> 
/*Iklan 2 */<amp-ad data-ad-client="ca-pub-4026188032600094" data-ad-slot="6708704168" height="280" layout="fixed" type="adsense" width="336"></amp-ad>

Above Article Content

If you want to place your AdSense ads carousel above the article, follow the following lines:

1. Go to EDIT HTML in Themes Dashboard.
2. Please find the code <data: post.body />
3. place the following code above it.
 <center><amp-carousel height="280" type="slides" width="336">
/*Iklan 1 */
<amp-ad data-ad-client="ca-pub-4026188032600094" data-ad-slot="6708704168" height="280" layout="fixed" type="adsense" width="336"></amp-ad>
 /*Iklan 2 */<amp-ad data-ad-client="ca-pub-4026188032600094" data-ad-slot="6708704168" height="280" layout="fixed" type="adsense" width="336"></amp-ad>

Do not forget to replace ad client and ad slot with your AdSense account. You can also install it somewhere else, depending on your taste. Please explore yourself. 

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