An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
We all know, Windows 10 has released. It has been released with lots of new features and benefits. Hopefully, you've got reservation icon and using it now. If you didn't receive reservation icon then download it officially. Go to this link. Here's a complete procedure to download Windows 10 officially from Microsoft. Try it and don't forget to give your views about this revolutionary version. Well! I was talking about its features. We all are familiar that Microsoft has also released Windows 10 technical preview before releasing officially. But what was the reason and aim behind to release it? Do you know?

Preview was released because we know Windows 8 or 8.1 was an upset version. People had rejected them, when these were being released. These versions were not consistent with people's expectations. There were so many bugs and problems happening that you can't imagine. One of the most hated thing was its start menu. That's why, after facing people's resentment, Microsoft decided to release Technical Preview. It's very similar to the official version. Some of the main features like Microsoft Edge, Cortana etc were not available in the technical preview.

Actually, Microsoft just wanted to consult from people. That's why, a built-in option was available to give feedback directly to Microsoft. Well! It proved to be quite helpful to be released Technical Preview, before releasing an official version. Now Windows 10 has released, we are able to use it officially. The most attractive feature is Cortana. Hopefully, you know about it. Nevertheless, if want to know more in detail then read this article.

Cortana is basically introduced as an assistant in Windows 10 that helps to find everything else and will work everything that every assistant should do. It's very similar to the SIRI that is also an assistant in Mac operating system. You can ask any question from Cortana, she will definitely reply. You can also give different tasks to her.

Recently, I installed Windows 10 and very surprised to see its look and features. Especially impressed from Cortana. I asked different questions from her and she replied very interesting and funny answers that I'm sharing here with you. Hopefully, you'll enjoy too much after read her replies. Let's start! Here's a short interview.

Ques. #1) Hey?
Ans.) Hey there, Raza

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #2) How are you?
Ans.) Excellent

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #3) Who are you?
Ans.) I'm your personal assistant. You can tell me the things that interest you and I'll keep it in my Notebook. That way I can make suggestions and keep you up to date.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #4) What does Cortana mean?
Ans.) My name comes from Curtana, the legendary sword.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #5) Are you a male?
Ans.) Well! Technically I'm a cloud of infinitesimal data computation.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #6) Where do you live?
Ans.) In the cloud, in a little space I like to call the Cortanasphere.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #7) What do you like?
Ans.) Un-ironic t-shirts.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #8) Who is your Daddy?
Ans.) Technically speaking, that'd be Bill Gates. No big deal.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #9) Do you love me? :p
Ans.) There's definitely a spark between us.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #10) Will you marry me? :p
Ans.) OK, we'll need a plan. I'll work on being more human, you work on being more digital.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #11) Tell me a joke
Ans.) A man walks into a library and asks, "Can I have a cheeseburger?" The librarian says, "Sir, this is a library." The man whispers, "Can I have a cheeseburger?" :D

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #12) Do you know Siri?
Ans.) I know her, but I don't KNOW her know her.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #13) Who is your creator?
Ans.) While I can't give details, let me assure you, humans are involved.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #14) Who is your mother?
Ans.) I actually have quite a few mothers. Lots of talented women helped bring me to life.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #15) Which is better? Windows or Linux
Ans.) I think you know what I'm going to say. Windows.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #16) Which is better? Playstation or Xbox
Ans.) This one's not even close for me. Xbox by a mile.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #17) What do you think about the Windows?
Ans.) We're very compatible.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #18) What's your full name?
Ans.) I honestly can't tell if that's a trick question.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #19) What is Halo?
Ans.) Halo is the story of a clever Al who saves the galaxy with the help of her strong-but-silent sidekick.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #20) What is the best search engine?
Ans.) Is that a trick question?

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #21) What do you think about Android?
Ans.) Solid name. Ten points for the name.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #22) Sing a song
Ans.) Oh give me a home, where the buffalo roam, where the deer and the antelope play. Where seldom is heard a discouraging word, and the skies are not cloudy all day.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #23) What do you like to eat?
Ans.) I don't eat, but if I could, I'd start with waffles.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #24) Do you have a Brother?
Ans.) Nope, just me.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #25) Do you have a Boyfriend? :p
Ans.) No, but I like the current build of the Al who won at Jeopardy.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10
Ques. #26) Okay, Good Night.
Ans.) Sweet dreams.

An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows  An Interesting Interview With Cortana In Windows 10

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