Create Social Media Ready Gifs With Gif Finder Apps

Create Social Media Ready GIFs With GIF Finder Apps
You probably know what GIFs are. Similar to memes, GIFs started as an entertaining way to share short video clips, but as they got more popular, many companies discovered GIFs can be used as a powerful social marketing tool. When I initially decided to create GIFs, I knew they can be created with software like Adobe pack. But since I’m not really tech-savvy, I had to find a more “amateur” way to create quality GIFs without spending too much time. As an alternative, I started searching for user-friendly apps in the hope I’ll find something simple enough. Fortunately, after just a couple of minutes, I found a couple of great sites and additionally, I also found an interesting list of best apps for finding GIFs. I didn’t expect much, but it turned out many apps also provide the option to create original GIFs. In case you want to check the list yourself, here’s the link "Best 10 Apps for Finding GIFs by AppGrooves" you can check.

Also, since it did take me around an hour to quickly check each one, I thought why not review my top 3 and save you some time. So, here are 3 apps I think are most helpful for quickly creating and finding GIFs.

GIPHY - The Most Popular “GIFster”

Giphy was the first site that popped out the moment I googled “GIF creator”. And sure enough, it turned out to be the most popular one so I had to try out. Like many other, Giphy is also community-based and since it is extremely popular one, it has more than enough GIFs in its library - mostly funny GIFs. But what I like the most is the simplicity of creating. The UI is straight-forward and with just a couple of drags & drops, you can create a completely original GIF. Honestly, I think even a 5-year child could use this one - it’s simply a well-polished app. Another important thing worth mentioning, especially if you’re looking for a GIF creator to help you with social campaigns, Giphy doesn’t stick a watermark on your newly created content. Also, you can easily share GIFs on any social media.

Although I do have a minor complaint, I want to make it clear it’s nitpicking. Since Giphy is so popular I hoped they might include a way to track stats on how many people view my GIFs and so on. Unfortunately, as of now, this option is still not available but I do hope they’ll include it in some of the future updates. With such a great app, analytics would be a real icing on the cake.

ImgPlay - A Great Alternative

Although Giphy does offer almost everything you need to create funny GIFs, having an alternative is a smart thing to do. ImgPlay is that alternative and another great app. I found it to be great for creating GIFs on the go as you can record videos directly from the app and start editing. Also, similar to Giphy, you can also add images and create with the simple design options. I like how the app provides many possibilities without being complex such as the possibility to change the speed, choose filters or play the video backward. Although you won’t use it often, for me, it was extremely useful when I wanted to get a bit creative.
Create Social Media Ready GIFs With GIF Finder Apps
I noticed a small issue when trying to upload a bit longer video files. The app would freeze and I’d have to start all over again. But, I need to be honest and say I didn’t test it out on the first one. Nevertheless, you can easily fix this by simply making sure videos aren’t too long. You only need a couple of seconds of material anyhow.

GIF Maker (Android) & GIF X (iOS) - The Runner Ups

The selesai two I decided to include in case some of you want an Android or iOS-specific app. GIF Maker is for Android users out there and it works pretty much the same as the first two. But, for emoji fans out there, you can also stick funny emojis to the GIF to give it that extra “flare”. The iOS counterpart is GIF X. What I liked the most about GIF X is the ability to easily browse categories when you need to find a GIF in a hurry. Just write down the keyword and you’ll instantly get a Facebook or Twitter-ready GIF. I also want to mention that both apps have the option to resize GIFs.

Both apps also provide an effective way to create GIFs. But, with both apps, I ran into what I feel is like a random issue. From time to time while editing, the apps would just freeze and although I made a change, the GIF didn’t update. With ImgPlay I know the reason is length so I was able to fix that, but here, no matter what I tried, I just couldn’t overcome the obstacle. Thus, I’m guessing it has to do something with the apps.

To conclude, I’d like to be completely honest. If you need a reliable tool, go with one of the first two. GIF maker and GIF X are here for those people who prefer a real alternative - for whatever reason. Both Giphy and ImgPlay are just more reliable and they certainly won’t let you down. But, I want to provide as many options as possible so you have a complete freedom when picking an app.

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