How To Make $100 Per Day With Your Blog

How To Make $100 Per Day With Your Blog
At first glance, $100 dollars a day may seem like a ridiculously high figure. But, if you think about it, that’s a bit over 36K per year. That’s a modest living. It’s certainly not some wild, unattainable figure if you look at it like that. The next question is this, ‘Can you make $100 daily with a blog?’

The answer is yes, and the proof is in the dozens of people who make a living doing nothing but blogging. It boils down to two things, building and maintaining a large enough audience and effectively monetizing your blog. Below are a few tips for doing this.
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Set Your Blog Up For Success

The decisions you make when setting up your blog can seriously impact whether or not you can successfully monetize it. These steps include:
  • Selecting The Topic for Your Blog
  • Choosing a URL
  • Selecting a Hosting Option

1. Selecting Your Topic

Yes, there are bloggers who manage to blog about anything and everything that interests them at any given moment. But, the truth is, most successful bloggers focus on a single topic, or a cluster of related topics. For example, Budget Bytes focuses on cooking on a budget. Next, consider ThePioneerWoman. In spite of the blog having grown into an empire, you’ll notice that the blog topics all revolve around a core subject area, family life on a ranch and all it entails. She covers a wide breadth of topics, but they all relate to that core area.

Choose a topic that is familiar enough to you that you can write as an expert. It’s also important to select a topic with enough general interest that you can build a large enough audience. The exception to this is if you have a topic that nobody else is covering. If that is the case, and you are certain there is enough demand for it, your unique choice of subject matter could help you in the end.

2. Choosing A URL

This is important. Plan to spend a bit of time on this. Your URL should be unique and memorable. It should indicate what your blog is all about. It shouldn’t be easily confused with another person’s blog. Finally, read the name out loud in as many ways as possible. The last thing you need is to publish a blog with an embarrassing name.

3. Choosing a Web Hosting Option

There are many options for hosting a website. If you choose WordPress or another CMS there are several host providers. There are also internet based tools that you can use to both design and publish your website.

As you choose, be wary of completely free hosting options. Many of these do not support the traffic and features you will need to make a profit later. Finally, do not select a hosting or publishing option that includes your hosting providers name within your URL. For example, instead of The first option looks extraordinarily spammy and unprofessional.
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Produce Great Content

Whatever options you choose to make money off of your blog, none will be very profitable if your readers cannot count on you for great content. This has to come first. Unfortunately, many bloggers feel that if they cover casual topics they can take a casual approach to blogging.

This isn’t true. Your content should be highly visual, researched and well-written, and relevant to your sasaran audience. It should also be published on a regular basis. Remember the goal is to build traffic and subscriptions to your blog. This is the base you will need to create a reliable income. Here are some tools and resources you can use:
  • Readable.IO: This will tell you the readability and grade level of your writing. Did you know that the most successful online content is written at a middle school grade level?
  • Grammarly: Use this to clean up your writing and make it as professional as possible.
  • The Hemingway App: Hemingway himself was known for concise writing that got right to the point. Audiences still appreciate this approach today. The tool named after him will help you accomplish that.
  • Pocket: Relevant and inspirational content is everywhere. The duduk masalah is that you don’t always have time to read it.
How To Make $100 Per Day With Your Blog

Using Affiliate Links

If you follow many blogs, you’ve probably seen the standard disclaimer that the posts may contain affiliate links. Basically, companies will pay bloggers to plug their products. Here’s how it works.
  • You receive an affiliate link from a company or an affiliate network.
  • You post the link on your blog with a positive note about the product.
  • When your readers click the link, you receive payment.

There are two ways to display your affiliate links. The first is to write content around the products you are helping to promote. For example, if you blog about going to the beach, you might mention a particular merk of bronzing lotion. Other bloggers treat affiliate marketing like advertising. They simply display the links on their blog with an invitation to check out the products they love. To benefit from this, you will need both trust and traffic.

Sell VIP Memberships

Imagine that you launch a blog for people interested in working from home. You post lots of great content on finding work, determining what opportunities are scams, handling the financial side of thing, and marketing. Once you get an audience established, you realize that you’ve got some readers who are in the market for something a bit more in depth. And, they’re willing to pay for it.

The above is just one scenario where selling memberships is the way to go. Here’s how it would work:

All of your subscribers would get access to your general content. Those who were willing to pay a bit each month would have access to some premium content. In the case mentioned above, this might be job listings, live Q & A sessions with influencers, even white papers that you’ve created. You can even publish content to your VIP members before making it available to your other subscribers.

Sell Advertising Directly or Through A Network

If you have enough traffic and engagement, you can earn money by selling advertising on your blog. You can do this by working with an advertising network such as Google Adsense that will display ads on your blog. These will often be displayed as banner ads. You can also sell advertising directly to companies as if you were selling newspaper ad space.

Use Your Blog To Sell Your Own Real or Digital Products

Another path to monetization is to sell real or digital products through your blog. This might include ebooks, webinars, online courses, and other long form content. If you have a hobby or talent that you cover in your blog, you might consider making and selling related products.

If you do this, then you will have to add shopping features to your blog. Another option available to you is to offer your products through an online marketplace such as Etsy and then advertise that on your blog.


If your blog has a solid foundation of great content and healthy engagement, there are several options available for you to monetize it. Before you make a choice, consider your audience and their needs. Choosing what works best for them is almost certainly the fastest path to making a living with your blog.

 dollars a day may seem like a ridiculously high figure How To Make $100 Per Day With Your BlogAbout the Author:
At a relatively young age, Donald Fomby has already amassed impressive experience as a freelance writer. Currently, he is a valued member of the writing team at PickWriters. Donald studied Computer Science at Texas A&M and is a loyal Aggies football fan to this day.

In his spare time, Donald writes Sci-Fi short stories. He’s active on the convention scene as well. He also enjoys local music, and has a soft spot for authentic Texas BBQ. He has a passion for technology, social media, and travel that make him a great fit for PickWriters.

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