How You Attract More Clients For Business From Website Design?

Attract More Clients For Business From Website Design
A website is a digital sword every business needs to their area of impact. You must be wondering how these websites can really help anyone in building their business. Let me be very clear about this, online searches about a company are one of the most common things that happen. As a marketer, you must understand that a digital platform like a website helps you a lot in reaching out to potential prospects.

A web design is the first impression of your business website. When a potential prospect looks into your website, many things can drive him/her to associate with you or otherwise. The website design is the first thing. It is the first impression that you give to your prospect is via your website design.

In this post, you will get to know about some methodologies that will guide you to attract clients and customers to your website. Not just that, these tips will drive your prospects to stay more on your website which will give you ample of opportunities to convert them into your regulars.

So, are you ready to rumble!!! Let’s get you started,
Don't Miss: Make Your Own Site Using Dreamweaver CC

A Quick Fact Check

This is just a fact check before you get into any of the tips and tricks about web design. Let’s have a look at these statistics,
  • Over 57% of SMB intend to invest in a new or improved website.
  • Pages that are loaded in 2.4 seconds have a mobile conversion rate of 1.9%.
  • The pages that are loaded in 2.4 seconds experienced a 12.8% of bounce rate. This bounce rate elevated to up to 20% for those websites which load in 3.3 seconds.
  • Mobile messages that are 1 second faster experience up to 27% increase in the conversion rate.

Tips & Tricks For The Web Design Of Your Business

These tricks may sound too general but believe it or not, these are not general at all. They are essentials. You will find some of the tricks common, but all of them are not. Ok, enough bragging. Let’s get started with the tricks,

1. You Need To Have Better Understanding Of User Experience

So, the term UX. Arrr….you heard it again. In website design, the user experience is the only sasaran and if that goes up or down, your website traffic will tumble down like a pack of cards.

And now, there is another term, UI. The User Interface. This is where you need to work, to make your web design effective. A user interface is a scenery where your prospects see your artwork aka website.

So, what you need to do to make it enticing? Let’s have a look at these points,
  • First, clear the difference between UI and UX. You can think of UI as the graphics and design while UX is more like the path taken by the user to navigate your website.
  • As a UX designer you need to shift your focus more on navigation links and sajian layouts; the location and design of the button; if your website has a shopping cart, then you need to check its usability; the quality of design, the easiness in navigation, the sitemap of the website. Remember, if you make website navigation tricky for your prospects, then no visitor will stay on your site for long.
  • Incorporate both UX and UI in your mind before you strategize your website design structure. To attract and convert your audience, you need to think traditionally and differently at the same time.
Attract More Clients For Business From Website Design

2. Web Design Tips To Make An Enticing First Impression

A web design is not always the matter of icons, graphics, and visual elements. It is also about the way of content presented, the type of images being used, what message does the graphic conveys, is your business motives are present in your web design? These all things come up together and then make a web design feasible for an audience.

The performance is also a very notable factor in web designing. A page speed of web page can make and unmake the traffic of your business. As from the statistics above, it is very clear that the page speed has clear effects on the traffic of the website.

3. Pleasing Yet Easy To Use

Your website must be pleasing in the eyes of your audience. While designing a website, you must think with the perspective of users. There are many web designers who neglect this basic thought and end up tracking the wrong hill.

Do not go on that path. Understand your audience first and only after that initiate designing for your website. If you are revamping your old design, then you should consider looking into your traffic data before proceeding. A few A/B testing of homepage layout can give you a fair idea of which one is more attractive.

4. Industry Features Are Must

Do you examine your competitors? If not, now is the right time for that. Following the industrial norms in website design will generate reliability among your sasaran audience. Understand the industrial requirements, whether your business niche required a dynamic website or a static website. This will decide your user’s will to interact with your website.

5. Enticing Web Pages & Navigation

As mentioned earlier, an easy navigation is a must in a website design. You must make sure that your website navigation is easy and interactive rather than being passive in nature. Also, the web pages must give clear and concise information about your business, what your motives are and what you want from your visitors. This information must be clear and direct.

Over To You

These tips and tricks are simple to follow. These are things which will drive you to strategize actions that can lift your website as a business and get maximum traffic to convert.

I hope that you like this post. Let me know your thoughts about these points. Till then Adios!!!

Attract More Clients For Business From Website Design How You Attract More Clients For Business From Website Design?About the Author:
Morris Edwards is a passionate blogger and professional software developer at Awebstar who started his career in web development 10 years ago. He has developed an amazing appointment booking software helping business to increase sales. It is a renowned web designing company in Singapore. He loves writing about Business Ideas, Customer Management, and everything about new innovations and happenings in the business world. When not blogging, he loves spending his time in social networking.

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