How to Change the Number of Posts Visible on the Main Home Page on Blogger

How to Change the Number of Posts Visible on the Main Home Page on Blogger main image  How to Change the Number of Posts Visible on the Main Home Page on Blogger

Today's post will help you learn a bit of the basic in blogger. Sometimes, when we want to customize our blogger blog, we tend to want to change the number of posts that can be seen on the main page. And sometimes the number of posts on the main page just, for some reason, doesn't suit the look and feel of our blog. That is why I felt that this is an important post for the blogger beginners. Don't worry, this is NOT AT ALL hard and you can do this in under 3 minutes. Even under 1 minute if you have a decent Internet speed. 
Okay, so in short, there are 2 simple ways to do this. Be sure to read both.

METHOD 1 - From the Settings Area

1. First, log in to Blogger and select the blog you want to change the number of posts on.

2. Next, from the Dashboard, go to the Settings area which can be entered from the sidebar.

3. In the settings, you want to click on the tab that says Posts, Comments, and sharing.

How to Change the Number of Posts Visible on the Main Home Page on Blogger main image  How to Change the Number of Posts Visible on the Main Home Page on Blogger

4. On the top of the page, in the Posts Section, look at the Show At Most option. You can type the number of posts you want to show or the number of days in which they will show all the posts.

5. Save your changes.

How to Change the Number of Posts Visible on the Main Home Page on Blogger main image  How to Change the Number of Posts Visible on the Main Home Page on Blogger
6. You're Done!

Now that you have seen this method, I would like to show you the second method. It is just as easy as the first one. It is good if you would know all the ways to do this because if you are already at a particular section, then you wouldn't have to leave.

METHOD 2 - From the Layout Section

1. Go to the Dashboard and then enter the layout section of your blog.
2. In the Main section, there is a gadget called Blog Posts Gadget.
3. Click Edit on the gadget.

How to Change the Number of Posts Visible on the Main Home Page on Blogger main image  How to Change the Number of Posts Visible on the Main Home Page on Blogger

4. In the gadget options, there is a section called Main Page Options. Change the section just like in the method 1.
5. Click save and exit.

How to Change the Number of Posts Visible on the Main Home Page on Blogger main image  How to Change the Number of Posts Visible on the Main Home Page on Blogger

6. You're Done!

Well, that was easy. Right? And it only takes a few seconds to do it. Changing your number of posts is really helpful at times. Like, if your sidebar has any widgets, then it would look weird if your sidebar is longer then you blogs body. It is recommended that you keep the number of the post between 5-7. That is because there would be enough for your viewers to understand what you are writing about and it would also have less of a loading time.

TIP - You should never give the entire posts on the main page that makes people stay on a single page and then leave. It is better it you give them a teaser and make them click to continue. That option can also be seen in the photo given above labeled Post Page Link Text. This will help you in reducing your bounce rate.
Well, I hope this post helped you in learning a few the basics of blogger. Be sure to check out my next post. And share if you care.

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