How to set up Microsoft Exchange (Outlook) Email with Android and sync?

This is a tutorial post on how to setup Microsoft Exchange (Outlook) Email and sync with Android Phone.

What you need:
  •     Android Phone with default email app
  •     Email address running on Microsoft Exchange Server such as your work email

Watch this tutorial video:

Steps to  set up Microsoft Exchange (Outlook) Email on Android Phone

  •     Find your Default Android Email App from the Applications Menu.
  •     Type your full email address (Eg: and in the password field, enter the same password you use to connect to your Exchange email at work. Click next.
One way to get the Exchange Address in OUTLOOK is:
    •         Outlook > Tools > Account Settings
    •         Select the Exchange Account > Click CHANGE
    •         You should see the exchange address such as
  •     Select account type is this (POP, IMAP or EXCHANGE)? Choose Exchange in this case.
  •     You will get to enter account details
    •         Domain\Username: Enter the Domain and the user name (Try with just the domain and handle and not the full email here first). Eg: global\abc
    •         Password: This is auto filled from the last screen. If not, enter the Exchange password again.
    •         Server: Enter the Exchange Server address. Eg.
  •             To get the Exchange Server address, do the following:
    •                 Outlook > Tools > Account Settings > Email Tab
    •                 Select the Exchange Account > Click Change
    •                 You should see the Exchange Server address in the prompt.
  •     Click Next – Exchange settings should now be downloaded
  •     You will get options to modify SYNC and Notifications settings.
  • Using Outlook/Exchange email require higher security. So, you may also get a notification to change screen unlock security if you have not set one, or if you are using patter lock. It will no longer allow you to use patter lock or 4 digit pin code. Minimum required is 6 digits.
  • After the setting is complete and you open EMAIL app, you will get a prompt to allow the exchange account to control some of the security features on your phone. This is required

 Please note that the above steps will not work if your employer does not allow this process. In some organizations, prior permission has to be taken from IT to setup exchange emails on phones and other means.

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